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Pomoc dla Asi
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   Strona Główna Dzisiaj jest poniedziałek, 03 czerwiec 2024
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Menu serwisu
Strona Główna
Dla Asi
Strona Główna - Historia
Strona główna - Historia 2
Prace Asi
Kącik Asi
Skrócone kalendarium medyczne
Księga gości
English version
Aukcje Allegro dla Asi
Artykuły z prasy
Info dla rodzin i pacjentów
O Asi
Zaświadczenia lekarskie
Prawidłowe wyniki morfologii
Aktualne wyniki morfologii Asi
Mail do Asi

Telefon do Asi szkoly w Kościerzynie :
058 686-83-32

English version


Ladies & Gentlemen!

We are asking you for help for 15 years old Joanna Zwiercan. She lives in Koscierzyna ( Poland ).

Not long ago she helped other people in need. The day before discovering her disease she had been colleting money for African children, she had herself initiated and collected money for destitute animals shelter and she was the one who helped those in need.

Now She needs help.

On the 9th May 2003 she was found to suffer from myelodysplastic syndrome - a kind of neoplasm of blood. The disease in which life lasts weeks. The only chance for Joanna was immediate marrow transplant.

And it was a case of life and death for Joanna. After three months the disease attacked her and thank to dr Krzysztof Kałwak a new, experimental drug was used.

The family had to pay few dozen thousand zloties but it worked.

Simultaneously we were searching for the donor. The procedure is extremely expensive and difficult, but thank to the managers of MEDIGEN Ms Sankowska and Mr Kauc the donor was found. The date of the bone marrow transplant was finally established.

Unfortunately Joanna’s condition worsened and the transplant had to be postponed. The worst thing was mycosis pneumonia, which was supposed to be cured for months.

But there wasn't enough time for that. In the last moment, thanks to doctor Kałwakow and professor Chybicka from Wrocław
the transplant took place on 31st October 2003 . The most serious anxiety was to have mycosis pneumonia in control. Daily dose of Ambisome, medicament for this illness cost almost 3000 zł. The cost of the whole treatment was extremely expensive. That price didn't include any other medicaments or anything related to after transplantat therapy. The costs were humongous and unbelievable. We turned to you for help: "give life to Asia ". The response was great. traightaway TVN broadcasted "Pod napięciem" and "Uwaga" on the 21st December 2003 . A charity foundation "Nie jesteś sam" provided great help. During the programme enough money was collected to pay for the Ambisone therapy. The rest of the money TVN foundation "Nie jesteś sam" earmarked for other children. THANKS FOR THAT!

Unfortunately, in January 2004 in the bone morrow ill cells were
found. And we had to start the battle again. Once more Joanna was given Mylotarg and again the result was positive. Afterwards she had the bone marrow transplant for the second time.

Ambisone was replaced with a less toxic medicament. Her lungs are protected by Sempera- a drug which is imported by the parents from Germany .

Since march Joanna suffers from post pharmacological cataract. The only medication is implantation of intraocular lenses. Unfortunately she has to wait till her general condition allows for the operation. In the meantime, in April 2004 GVHD had appeared - ocular form, not to mention of post pharmacological diabetes. Joanna needs lots of different expensive medications not covered by her insurance.

Monthly costs of the girl’s treatment are huge and exceed several thousands zloties without ophthalmologic drugs. We do not include the cost of accommodation in Wroclaw is not included.

In the beginning of August 2004 the mega dose of the immunological drug was given to Asia . Unfortunately it was also very expensive.

The most important fact was that this application brought a positive result expected by Dr Kalwak. A distinct increase of the blood parameters was done.

Nobody knows what Asia has to face, what drugs will be needed, how much they are going to cost, but we believe that we will not lack money – thank to you.

Every penny coin is very important.

We should remember that even the biggest sum of money is composed of one, two or five pennies.

And we thank you for this.

To organise easier help to Asia , in May 2003 a charity organisation was founded.. The foundation works "with no costs", that means that only volunteers are working, place and telephones are granted for free by P.D.Bim. Any extra money on Asia 's sub account, after the end of her therapy, will be transferred to other children in need.

If you want to make a donation please transfer the money into the account:

Kaszubska Fundacja „Podaruj Dzieciom Nowe Życie”
PKO BP S.A.O/Kościerzyna
PL 48 1020 1879 0000 0802 0002 2939 z dopiskiem „dla Asi” 

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Koszty pozyskiwania szpiku
Test dawców
Strategia doboru dawcy
Jak zostać Dawcą i jak wygląda procedura
Przeszczepy szpiku kostnego
Nasz baner
Pomagają nam
Potrzebna Krew
Fundacja Kaszubska
Wpłata kartą kredytową na konto Fundacji

Telefon do
Kliniki Hematologii Dziecięj we Wrocławiu,
Odzial Transplantacji Szpiku i Terapii Genowej,
ul. Bujwida 44,
tel. (0-71) 320-04-00

Telefon do
kliniki Hematologii AM
w Gdańsku :
058 349-28-71/74
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